爱护您的肠道健康 Look after your Bowel health


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  新西兰正逐步向全国推广这个免费的肠道筛查计划。已推行该计划的医疗管理卫生局包括:Waitemata(包括奥克兰西区、北岸至Wellsford)、CountiesManukau(包括Manukau City、Franklin和Papakura地区)、Southern、Hutt Valley和Wairarapa、Nelson Marlborough,Lakes和Hawke'sBay。奥克兰医疗管理卫生局(Auckland DHB)和其余的医管局将于2019年末至2021年开始。
  Chinese people are being urged to take a bowel screening test as part of Asian Health Week.
  Those aged 60-74 living in the Waitemata District Health Board area are being encouraged to take a free bowel screening test every two years.
  Bowel screening can save lives, as it finds cancers at an early stage when they are just beginning to grow, before they have had the chance to spread. The free test kit is posted to people to use at home and comes with detailed instructions on how to use it.
  Chinese health promoter, Jun Li, is passionate about raising awareness of how easy bowel screening kits are to use and how much of a difference they can make. She recently helped John Li, originally from Taiwan but living in Albany, to consider bowel screening.
  John found the whole experience very easy and was keen to spread the word in his community: “Take the test, it’s really simple. Like me, some of my friends worry about their health as they get older. Taking the test made me feel better and more in charge of my own health”.
  In the Waitemata region, Asian people have a lower participation rate and this is something that Sandra Skipwith, Health Promotion Manager, would like to change: “We really want to see more Chinese people taking part, and equity of participation is something we are really passionate about. We can help with translations, instructions, and even a ride to the hospital if you need treatment.”
  If you live in the Waitemata DHB area, which goes from North Shore to Waitakere and up to Wellsford, and are eligible for publicly funded health care, you are eligible for screening. Ask your GP or call 0800 924 432 and ask to speak to someone in Chinese. Information is also available at www.timetoscreen.nz.
  A national bowel screening programme is being rolled out gradually across New Zealand. The programme is available in the following DHBs: Waitemata, Counties Manukau, Southern, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa, Nelson Marlborough, Lakes and Hawke's Bay. Auckland DHB and the remaining DHBs are due to begin to offer bowel screening from late 2019 to 2021.
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